Like other insurance companies, Progressive protects its profits by minimizing the dollars it pays out for claims against its customers. If you suffer harms and losses due to an accident caused by a drunk driver who is covered by Progressive, your claim must be handled carefully to maximize your compensation. Here are a few things to keep in mind about dealing with Progressive. However, consumers should know that the best course of action is to contact an attorney and let that professional handle it.

Make Your Demands Clear

Your initial written demand letter to Progressive is the document that informs the company of your damage and how much you are requesting. This demand letter must include clear and convincing evidence supporting your claim and the dollar figure you want. You should include the easily calculable amounts, such as medical expenses and lost wages. However, you should also include non-economic values such as pain and suffering, psychological trauma, and diminished quality of life, that are not easily calculated. Mental health conditions resulting from the accident, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression, can have a significant impact on day-to-day functioning.

Hold Your Position

Once you’ve submitted your demand letter, stand firm. Make it clear that you know you can file a lawsuit against Progressive if the company does not negotiate with you reasonably. Cases involving drunk driving often go to court, so this is more than an empty threat. You can help strengthen your position by showing that you have done your research and feel your claim is justified. One way to demonstrate your reasonable efforts is to calculate your non-economic damages as a multiplier of your monetary losses.

One source of information to support your claim is the other party’s social media accounts, which are often publicly displayed. You may find pictures of the person drinking at a party right before the accident, for example. The person may post something on social media that demonstrates a history of impaired driving, which can also help your case.

Find Competent Counsel to Help

If you suffer harms and losses in a drunk driving accident caused by a driver covered by Progressive, the best way to protect yourself is to contact a knowledgeable and experienced attorney in your area. A professional lawyer understands laws specific to your state and your local court system’s procedures and can help you make sure you get everything to which you are legally entitled. Contact a car accident attorney, like Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. for a consultation.

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