Expert Legal Opinions
When people find themselves in need of legal help, they often do not know where to turn to. Many people have concerns about how much talking to an attorney is going to cost them and are pretty sure that they cannot afford the fees of an attorney, let alone all of the costs related to their legal issues that may be coming their way.
Expert Legal Opinions and Legal Information

Expert Legal Opinions and Legal Information

If you or someone you care about is in need of legal help and don’t know where to start, you may find it helpful to read this overview of the legal field. It may help you to understand what you are looking for as well as to provide tips and information that may make your search a bit easier than if you started out with knowing little except that you need an attorney.

Law Claim Basics
Criminal Law
Criminal law is a system of law concerned with the punishment of those who commit crimes.
Civil Law
Civil law is the system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs.
A good place to begin with determining what kind of attorney you need is to delineate the difference between criminal and civil claims.
While these definitions are accurate, they may not give enough information to help you determine what kind of attorney you might need.
Civil Law

Civil Law

Criminal Law

There are many claims that fall under both criminal and civil jurisdiction. A party may be tried for the same offense in both, a separate criminal trial and a separate civil trial. An example of this is if a party is accused of murder, they will likely be tried in a criminal trial. The family of the deceased may also file a wrongful death civil lawsuit to try to gain compensation from the accused and/or their insurance company.

Criminal Law
There are many claims that fall under both criminal and civil jurisdiction. A party may be tried for the same offense in both, a separate criminal trial and a separate civil trial. An example of this is if a party is accused of murder, they will likely be tried in a criminal trial. The family of the deceased may also file a wrongful death civil lawsuit to try to gain compensation from the accused and/or their insurance company.