Alimony is financial support that a person is ordered by the court to give to their spouse following a divorce. This is put into place to provide financial support to the spouse in need due to their new financial responsibility after divorce. However, it must be proven to the court that this individual actually requires this support, and that the other spouse has the ability to provide them with financial support. Men usually pay alimony since they are traditionally the higher earners at the time of divorce. A family lawyer is here to discuss the different types of alimony that are awarded in divorce cases, and what each one will entail. 

Temporary alimony or pendente lite alimony is usually awarded during the divorce proceedings to provide the dependent spouse with immediate financial support. The main purpose of temporary alimony is to maintain the marital standard of living for the spouse until a final alimony is determined for the couple. Temporary alimony will eventually end when a final alimony order is issued. Rehabilitative alimony is where the higher earning spouse pays the lower earning spouse until they can get financially dependent on their own. This will either allow them to find a better job, or receive more training or education to cover all of their financial expenses. The duration of this specific type of alimony depends on the time needed for the receiving spouse to complete their education, training, or finding another job in order to support themselves.

Permanent alimony can be awarded to the lesser earning spouse until the death of the payor. So, even if the payor retires, or is living off of social security, they still have to pay alimony as the Brandy Austin Law Firm can explain. Permanent alimony is not used in most states since alimony has been modified to allow the receiving spouse to acquire a job and a better living for themselves. States that will still practice permanent alimony would be New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, North Carolina, West Virginia, Florida, and Oregon. The duration of this type of alimony depends on the certain circumstances of the case. 

Lump sum alimony is where the spouse will pay his or her entire alimony, with a single lump sum payment. This can be put in place to meet the recipients needs for immediate financial support, or help them with starting a better future for themselves. Lump sum alimony makes it to where monthly ongoing payments are not needed. This will allow both individuals to start a better future for themselves away from each other. Reimbursement alimony can be awarded if an ex-spouse made financial sacrifices during the course of the marriage. This can be any finances that were used for the spouse’s education, household expenses, and any other contributions that advanced them further in life. So, this amount will be reimbursed to the spouse that made all of the contributions. This reimbursement can be paid in weekly or monthly payments, or it can be paid as a lump sum payment depending on what is decided. 

The different types of alimony discussed each provide a different purpose in regards to the relationship. Temporary alimony will provide immediate support following the divorce process, while rehabilitative alimony will help the receiver become more independent. Permanent alimony will provide the recipient with ongoing assistance and support, while lump sum alimony is a one time payment to the spouse that can provide a clean break in the divorce. Then reimbursement alimony will compensate a spouse for providing more financial support in the marriage. Having a good understanding of these different types of alimony is crucial when going through the divorce process. However, it is always best to receive guidance from a family law attorney to help with specific alimony laws in your jurisdiction. 

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