When someone is injured while at work, he or she is typically entitled to workers’ compensation. This is a benefit for most employees so they can financially recover as they physically recover. If you were injured while at work, you might have a lot of questions as you strive to receive compensation. There could be a lot of people contacting you, asking questions and trying to square away workers’ compensation. This can get overwhelming, but you can contact a lawyer to help.

One of the big issues you might face is what documents and forms you should and should not sign. The following goes over the basics, though you may want to speak with a lawyer for more details.

Forms You Should Sign

Keep in mind when you sign any type of form, you’re basically giving a statement that you have read the form and understand it. If a court sees your signature on any document, it will be enforced. Some forms you should sign after a workplace injury include:

  • An Employee Verification Form. You have to prove you were actually employed with your specific employer at the time of your accident. An employee verification form provides this proof. Even if you have another form of employment and income, you’ll need to provide this form. In most cases, you’ll have 30 days to return it.
  • An Authorization for Medical Records. Unfortunately, you don’t get a whole lot of privacy when you’re filing a claim for workers’ compensation. You should sign an authorization for medical records so the insurance company can look them over. You won’t receive any compensation if the insurer can’t verify your injuries and the severity of them, so this is something you should not hesitate to sign.

Forms You Should Not Sign

There are some other forms most lawyers will recommend you not sign until you have spoken with your lawyer. This includes:

  • A Supplemental Agreement. These documents can be tricky. You might think you’re signing a form that gives you permission to go back to work with your case still open, but sometimes they indicate your benefits will not longer be given. If your benefits are terminated and you sign the document, you could be in a world of hurt.
  • A Final Receipt. When your case is done and ready to be closed, you’ll sign a final receipt. Unfortunately, these often get signed prematurely. If your injury is not completely healed, never sign something like this.

Contacting Your Lawyer

There might be a lot of documents thrown your way when you’re injured at work. Contact a workers’ compensation lawyer, like one of the workers compensation attorneys in NY from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C., before signing anything so you can be sure you’re doing the right thing.

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