Discrimination can be exceedingly difficult emotionally to go through, it can even affect you financially in some cases. Discrimination shouldn’t happen, but unfortunately it still does even though it is against the law and the civic rights of all people. When you or a loved one has experienced discrimination, you may have a case to discuss with  an experienced civil rights lawyer in Washington, DC, like from Eric Siegel Law, who can offer you legal guidance and explain the details of your specific case. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with a law firm to schedule an initial consultation.

Types of Discrimination

Discrimination can take many forms, such as being denied service at a business, not being selected for an open position, or being treated unfairly because of who you are. Discrimination is being treated unequally or unfairly, because of your age, race, gender, disability, national origin, color, sexual orientation, genetic history, and more. These areas are protected by the law to help ensure that you all people are treated equally. And when they aren’t treated equally, they have the ability to use the law to make it right.

Building Your Case

If you think you have been the victim of discrimination and could have a strong legal case, it is important to start building you case early. One of the first things you will need to do is gather evidence. Discrimination cases can be difficult to prove, so the more evidence you have to build your case the better. Evidence could include, emails, texts, recorded calls, video surveillance, and more. Witnesses can also help to make your case strong because they can corroborate your story or show a pattern of unfair treatment to certain people. Witnesses will need to be credible, in that they have would not have a motivation to lie and would be in a position to know what they are claiming.

Hire a Lawyer

Discrimination cases are very difficult to get through emotionally and to prove, so it is highly recommended that you seek legal counsel from an experienced discrimination lawyer. A lawyer can help you gather critical evidence, represent you in court, file paperwork, write legal letters, and offer legal guidance. You do not have to face this alone, a lawyer can be your ally to help you get through it with a positive outcome. Contact a law firm today to schedule an initial consultation.

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