Although ridesharing is a convenient way to get around, it comes with the same risks and challenges that other drivers find on the road. Accidents happen, and you can’t predict when. If you were in an accident involving a Lyft driver, and you are hoping to file an injury claim, you might wonder how it’s all going to work. The following are three steps you should take right now.

Contact Your Lawyer

After any car accident, it’s a good idea to get a legal professional involved. The same holds true for accidents involving Lyft drivers. Your lawyer can walk you through the claims process and can help you understand the statute of limitations, who to file the claim with, what type of evidence to collect and other important steps needed to gain compensation.

Collect Information

At the scene of the accident, be sure you collect enough information to help you with your claim. This includes contact information for the Lyft driver and any other drivers involved, as well as for passengers and pedestrians involved. You should get the license plate of all cars involved, as well as the insurance cards and driver’s licenses of all drivers.

It could also help for you to take pictures of the cars, your injuries and the scene of the accident. Any type of evidence you can present to an insurance company or a court could help your case. Witness contact information could also be helpful.

Discover Who Is Liable

Before you can file a claim, you’ll need to know who is liable. Sometimes this ends up as a fight in court, but other times it can be a bit easier. If you were responsible for the accident, you’d contact your own auto insurance company. If the Lyft driver was responsible, there are a few different routes you might take.

  1. Lyft Liability Insurance – The only time you’d seek compensation solely from Lyft’s primary liability policy is when the Lyft driver was actively on a job and had a passenger in the car, whether that passenger was you or someone else. Lyft has a $1,000,000 limit per accident for these situations.
  2. Lyft Contingent Liability – When the driver is in driver mode, but there is no passenger in the car, Lyft has contingent liability coverage.
  3. Personal Car Insurance – If the driver was not on duty at the time of the accident, you would seek compensation from his or her personal insurance company.

Start Your Claim Today

To get started with your Lyft accident claim today, get a legal professional on your side. Contact a car accident lawyer, like from the Morales Law Firm, today to get going.

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