Dealing With Insurance Adjusters: What to Say After an Accident

The hours and days following an accident may be overwhelming. Most people are shaken up after an accident. On top of the shock of the accident, you have to deal with doctor visits and phone calls. When you receive a phone call from an insurance adjuster, you may not know what to say. When you are overwhelmed or upset, this may lead to you saying the wrong thing. Here are some tips on how to handle that first call.

Stay Calm

The first tip to any phone call following an accident is to stay calm. When the insurance adjuster calls you, do not take your anger out on the adjuster. Even if you are angry with the other driver, keep in mind that the adjuster is only doing his or her job. To react angrily will not help your case. If you are calm and polite, it may pay off and the adjuster may handle your claim quicker or with more politeness from his or her side. He or she may even be more likely to believe your side when it comes time to explain it. Even if it is difficult, you need to stay calm and professional.

Exchange Information

Before you discuss the case, make sure that you know who you are on the phone with. You should be able to get the full contact information for the person that you are talking to or the name of the insurance company. It is important for you to have this information and to be sure that you are speaking to the right person.

Next, you can give adjusters your information. Do not tell them too much. You can tell them your name, where the accident happened, what vehicles were involved and if there were any witnesses. Do not discuss too many details about the case. Insurance companies may seek to use anything that you say against your claim. You should tell the adjuster that the case is under investigation and that you will discuss the other details later. You also do not want to give the adjuster any details about your injuries.

When it comes to talking to adjusters, you always want to limit the information that you give them. You want to make sure that you speak with a lawyer before you divulge in any details about yourself or the accident. You never know what the insurance adjuster will want to use against you.

Call a law office today to speak with an attorney you can trust, like one from The Federal Practice Group.


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