Compensation After the Car Crash

Automobile accidents continue to be one of the leading causes of accidental deaths and injuries in the United States. Statistics show that, on average, U.S. drivers can expect to be in an automobile accident about once every 18 years – or about 4 times during their lifetime.

So, what happens if you sustain serious injuries in an auto accident that was not your fault? Will you be compensated to cover the mounting medical and hospital bills, car repair bills and other expenses? Will the other driver’s insurance company take responsibility, or will you need to fight them in court?

An experienced automobile accident attorney can help you get answers to your questions and make sure your rights are protected. Resolving compensation issues following a car crash are difficult and often complex, and you may need to collect plenty of evidence to document the fact that the other motorist was at fault.

Here are a few suggestions as you build your case:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention. If you are injured, seek medical help as soon as possible. Medical records and doctor’s notes can help you document your injuries. Some soft-tissue injuries won’t make themselves known for 12-24 hours after the accident, so it’s best to visit a doctor – even if you aren’t in extreme pain.

Document the Scene of the Accident. If not injured seriously, collect as much evidence as you can by taking photos of both vehicles (inside and out), skid marks, roadside gravel, etc.   

Talk to Witnesses. Collect their contact information. Ask questions about what they observed before, during and after the accident.

Call the Police. A police report can help you by documenting the scene of the crime. Often the party at fault will not want to call the police, but if you are injured, it’s imperative that you call the police.

Get Repair Estimates for your Auto. Collect 2-3 estimates of the damage to your vehicle as soon as you can.

Often, immediately following a car accident, you may receive a call from the other party’s insurance company, hoping to get you to agree to a quick and extremely small settlement. In nearly all situations, it is best to turn down their offer.

An experienced personal injury attorney can be your representative in dealing with the other driver’s insurance company and building your case to seek just compensation that will cover your expense.

There are many kinds of damages that a victim of a car accident may be able to pursue, as an attorney, like an auto accident lawyer from a firm like Patterson Bray, can explain.

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