Whether you are in the process of negotiating alimony payments, or need to modify the alimony that you are currently receiving, it may be in your best interest to contact a divorce lawyer in Cypress, TX, like from Winfrey Law Firm, for help. Alimony, also known as spousal support, may be necessary to one spouse who was financially reliant upon their partner to provide for them. In fact, our lawyers can provide you with legal services that stem far beyond spousal support, we have the ability to represent you in your divorce from start to finish. 

Alimony/Spousal Support

Alimony is a payment that is made to the spouse who is dependent on the other party. This type of support can be received either on a monthly basis or in a lump sum. In situations where one party is financially dependent upon the other person, alimony/spousal support may be essential. No person should walk away from their divorce empty handed. Alimony is meant to assist a person to maintain their lifestyle and get back on their feet following a divorce. There are a number of reasons as to why you may require spousal support. There are several factors at play when it comes to determining spousal support:

  • Whether you are in need of spousal support
  • Your spouse has an ability to pay you
  • Whether you have a medical or health limitation
  • Your future earning power
  • The length of your marriage

By working with a law firm who can assist you by reviewing your specific situation and determining if it’s possible to request alimony for you. 

Reasons Alimony May Be Modified

Some situations may require alimony payments to be modified for one reason or another. Working with a law firm can assist you by helping you to put your best foot forward. Common reasons that a modification may be requested include:

  • Your ex’s earnings have increased or changed
  • There has been a change in laws
  • You are living with another person
  • Remarriage
  • Cost of Living increase
  • An increased need to pay medical bills

Whether your ex is attempting to modify your alimony, or you are looking for an adjustment based on income changes or cost of living, contact a lawyer to put your best foot forward. 

What to Expect From Your Lawyer

The process of divorce and negotiating subsequent alimony payments can be incredibly stressful. There can be a lot riding on the outcome of your divorce. A law firm can assist you by guiding you through the legal process, and negotiating the terms of your divorce and alimony that are in your best interest. With our legal team by your side, you won’t have to wonder whether you are handling the process correctly. Our experienced team can manage the process for you by:

  • Valuing the alimony you are entitled to
  • Build a solid case for alimony 
  • File the proper paperwork
  • Negotiate with attorneys

Are you enduring a divorce and in need of alimony? Or perhaps you need to have alimony payments modified? Such a life change can be challenging. You may be adjusting to this lost relationship while also negotiating the terms of your divorce. A lawyer can help you by listening to your needs and helping you to keep them at the forefront of your case. Contact a law firm today so that we may begin supporting you through negotiations, and in the courtroom.

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